Jon’s Top 5 Music Picks of 2021

I know Spotify wrapped did this but hear me out…

Jonathan Abejo
2 min readDec 31, 2021

Just some of the new music I found that I think deserve a little recognition from you normies.

Remember that time where people were posting their music picks for the entire month where each day had a theme? What a crazy time lmao, we got to see people’s real music choices and how normie some folks are. I think from the writing and my posts on IG, we can pretty much say I’m fucking built different. In saying that, the music I like and cherish are pretty goddamn good. I’m more of a rock, metal, rnb, rap and hip hop guy but I spread to other genres too. These are the songs you wont’ really see in the Spotify wrapped, these are more songs that I discovered/rediscovered throughout this year. These are some of the favs.

Honourable mention:

I Bet You Think About Me by Taylor Swift. I’m a Swifty now. Her shit bangs ngl.

5. Home by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros

4. SUPER RISER! by Nanidato

3. Sometimes I Do by Tyler Joe Miller

2. Wagon Wheel by Darius Rucker

  1. Trouble by Cage the Elephant

I’m just gonna summarize these cause I don’t want to bore you with explaining each song. Home, is a fucking banger. Probably my summer song for the year, lyrically its fun and reminds me of someone. SUPER RISER is a Japanese disco song, actually the lyrics are for a Christmas song, but the song just makes me feel like it’d be the song for my anime show opening credits. Sometimes I Do, is a banger country song. I started listening to country because my boss loves it and its what plays in the radio so I got hooked. This was one of the catchy songs I heard and by god is it a banger. I listen and sing along to it frequently on my drive to work. Wagon Wheel, is a country classic. Darius Rucker is a fucking banger, if this song ever comes off anywhere in public I would not be afraid to sing along to it… I think that’s why country songs kinda mix with me is I if I can know its lyrics I fucking love the song. Trouble by Cage the Elephant is alt rock and any of that genre is always a fucking banger. Lyrics speak to me on another level. These songs I think everyone needs to have a listen to, even if you already have. They’re bangers.

Anyways, till the next time.


